C++ vývojář (multi-vláknové a asynchronní aplikace) {job offer}
CZ - Prague
SW Engineering & Development
- Hledáme dva nové kolegy pro posílení týmu, se zkušenostmi v navrhování a implementaci
multi-vláknových a asynchronních aplikací.
Your responsibilities will be:
Work on software project with focus to design and development of new
Services related to Data Acquisition from Programmable Logic Controllers and/or
other Industrial Automation devices and their secure distribution to adopter’s products
Work with a variety of hardware and software environments, focuses on design and
development of new software in a multi-platform environment
Use modern continuous integration and development tools, and promote continuous
improvement of engineering tools and practices
Participate as a member of an agile team within the Agile Framework, promoting agile
practices within the team
Perform detailed-level design and implementation of new software features and
subsystems with technical guidance from senior engineering personnel
Participate in all aspects of the software quality process, including design and code
review, and developing unit and functional testware
Implement automated tests; expand and improve automated test coverage, practices,
and procedures
multi-vláknových a asynchronních aplikací.
Your responsibilities will be:
Work on software project with focus to design and development of new
Services related to Data Acquisition from Programmable Logic Controllers and/or
other Industrial Automation devices and their secure distribution to adopter’s products
Work with a variety of hardware and software environments, focuses on design and
development of new software in a multi-platform environment
Use modern continuous integration and development tools, and promote continuous
improvement of engineering tools and practices
Participate as a member of an agile team within the Agile Framework, promoting agile
practices within the team
Perform detailed-level design and implementation of new software features and
subsystems with technical guidance from senior engineering personnel
Participate in all aspects of the software quality process, including design and code
review, and developing unit and functional testware
Implement automated tests; expand and improve automated test coverage, practices,
and procedures
Požadujeme: Rutinní znalost C++ (minimálně 2 roky komerční praxe)
Výhodou znalost jazyka Rust nebo alespoň ochota se jej naučit
Znalost multi-vláknového a asynchronního vývoje a low-level programování
Znalost principů automatizovaného testování; výhodou JavaScrip/Python na úrovni
Výhodou znalost komunikačních protokolů a technologií jako Ethernet/IP or Common
Industrial Protocol
Minimálně bakalářské vzdělání popř. adekvátní praxe
Znalost českého i anglického jazyka
Nadšení pro vývoj software
Ochotu učit se neustále nové věci a zdokonalovat se
We offer…
Pionýrskou práci a přísun neustále nových technologií komunikace v průmyslovéautomatizaci a IoT
Rozvoj znalostí v oblasti sítí založených na Ethernetu, rozvoj znalostí v oblasti embedded
Práci v mezinárodním týmu (USA, Singapur, Polsko, mnohé další)